Life Insurance with Cardiomyopathy

Securing life insurance with Cardiomyopathy can be very challenging, but it is possible!

If you have been recently diagnosed or have had cardiomyopathy as a preexisting condition, we can assist you in finding coverage. We have been successful in finding the most favorable insurance carriers for our clients, and at the best rates possible. Life insurance premiums typically are higher with individuals that have high risk medical conditions. It’s important to remember that all carriers are unique in their underwriting, as are each of our clients’ medical conditions.

What is Cardiomopathy?

Cardiomyopathy  is a disease of an abnormal heart muscle, which makes it difficult for your heart to pump blood flow to the rest of your body. It affects people of all ages, but mostly it is inherited. Although it is a treatable condition and individuals can lead a long and full life, it can lead to heart failure or other conditions.

There are three main types of cardiomyopathy:

• Dilated: an enlarged and weak left ventricles
• Hypertrophic: thickening of the heart muscle
• Restrictive: the lower ventricles become stiff, and they resist normal filling with blood.

How can I get the best life insurance rate with Cardiomyopathy?

To receive a favorable rating, approval or best price from an insurance carrier, they are first going to want to know if you have good control of your medical condition. It’s all about compliance. Are you following your doctor’s instructions and making the necessary changes in your life to gain control of your condition? It’s very important to have your doctor keep good documentation of your condition as time goes by. As long as the insurance company sees your condition is being favorably managed, then there is a good chance one can receive a lower premium and approval.

Important questions you’ll need to provide when applying for life insurance to help assist an agent in securing the best rate possible:

1. Date of diagnoses
2. What type of cardiomyopathy were you diagnosed with?
3. Provide dates of any tests or procedures:
a. Chest X-ray
b. Echocardiogram
c. EKG – resting and stress
d. Thallium Stress Test
4. Do you have any family history of heart disease or family deaths before age 60?
5. Current list of all medications and dosages.
6. Have you experienced any palpitations, shortness of breath, fainting, dizziness or chest pains?
7. What type of treatment or procedures has there been (surgery, pacemaker or defibrillator)?
8. Have you smoked in the past, and if so, when did you quit?
9. Are there any other health conditions?

What can I expect?

If you have good control and a very stable condition for six months or more, you can possibly receive a Standard rate.

If you have other health conditions, typically we see ratings from Table 2 and up, depending on the severity of the condition.

If there are other heart-related conditions, your only other option would be a Modified or Graded Life Insurance Policy for more severe conditions.

We know that looking for life insurance can be very overwhelming on your own. We also know each insurance company will view your individual medical condition in a different way. Therefore, it is so important that you work with an experienced agent who has been successful in securing coverage with applicants who have cardiomyopathy.

Finding out which companies those are on your own is tough. We know exactly which companies are ideal for you to work with, so if you want to get the lowest rate on your life insurance, even though you have cardiomyopathy, get in contact with us, and we’ll be happy to help out.

If you’re interested in receiving a quote, please feel free to contact today by calling 877-817-2583 or fill out the form for a free analysis. We will look forward to assisting you with your life insurance needs.